Friday, September 16, 2011

Ephemeral moments-III- A haiku


Mid winter night,
      Dogs howl in the street for warmth
            We dream in warm bed.

Ephemeral Moments--II - A haiku

The sea washed sun
 Jumps out of the cold water 
To wipe out darkness.

Ephemeral Moments- A haiku

                            In midsummer dusk
                            Gold dissolves on the Ganges
                            Conch-croons fill the banks.
(NB: In the evening the Hindu ladies pray blowing the SHANKHA or conch shell)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh! Egypt Show Us the Way

Look how chaos reign our motherland,
How faceless tyrants at the gunpoint loot,
How the reigns of power ends in brigand’s hand,         
Who has kicked humanity with his golden boot;
How whistle blower’s ashes flicker upon free sand
How protesting voices stifled or given two hoots;
The white man’s burden has eased but rajas reign
And hungry mist hover the land of toiling men.
Here histrionics of rivals, equally adept
In showing their adversity in public domain,
While beyond the glare of lights they have kept
Common wine served by common women;
Where farmer drinks rat-kill or sells his mate
While the Shylock smiles behind his pounding men,
From rubber-spined capitalists, morality got grind
Look! Egypt has burnt; can we be far behind?

Amitava Chakrabarty

Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Statesman reviewed my book today. It feels great to see your pics in newspaper. The writeup is heavily loaded in my favour and I feel somewhat shaky to upload it.  Nevertheless...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Just to share a bit of news. I have been one of the winners of  Aquillrelli Publishing contest, where the organizers were selecting the best 100 poems amongst a host of contributers. Those of you interested in the next publishing contest can click the following link:-

And the poem that was chosen by the organizers was:-


The Final Moorings

As the clock embedded inside
Swings farther and farther
Away from the umbilical chord
Time boarding the magic carpet
Flies back to my by-gone days. 
In search of memoirs.
The tired sail with mussels all over
Waits to be beached
Like other hulks' ramshackle
In eternal Time's sand
It waits dismantling
In the final moorings
Away from the beloved's guard
In ruthless scrap yard.

Strapped firmly upon a cot
Lugged upon a sun-fed street
The heartless funeral band 
Roared, and all trusts breached;
I see my head cold,
Swaying like a frail boat-
In intruding tidal bore,
And I collect my deeds
Strewn like cheap bran
Upon the memory's floor,
I marvel at my life's span
Oh! so fast it has elapsed
Before the fluttering bird
Inside me has collapsed. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

My mother came back today from the hospital after Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy or removal of gall stones, which she had plenty inside. For last few days she was in the not at home. What I want to share below is my poem that I wrote for her in the Mothers Day last year. The poem also finds a place in my book:-

 Oh! Mummy

Riding flippant wings of Time
As I flew three decades back
My world around was engulfed
Into the single-soldier barrack.

Under a general draped in a sari
And a vermillion bindi between brows
With beads of sweat from daily chores
She wipes her face in anchal* free.

This act often rejuvenates
Her sweaty glowing visage
In the slogging sultry summer
And injects love-blended  reverence.

Over the growing years-
The bridled bonds has slacked
The general has became a friend
Look! the octopus tires.

Mistake! She deliberately let it loose
The anchor grip in doorstep of youth
Not before steadying the sail
And refurbishing the keel.

"Let the waves thrash you dear
Let your soul burn wrath of fear
But when you will be back to me
Come back as a man.

Baked in sun, whipped by wind
Be the stick of my porous bones
Be back as light of my misty eye
Through your window my world beckons.

When my stones inside will hurt
When dark blood ooze from my orifice
Then be by my side dear
And let me rest in peace."

(*Anchal is one end of an Indian sari, that dangles at the back over the shoulder)