Friday, April 22, 2011

Oh! Egypt Show Us the Way

Look how chaos reign our motherland,
How faceless tyrants at the gunpoint loot,
How the reigns of power ends in brigand’s hand,         
Who has kicked humanity with his golden boot;
How whistle blower’s ashes flicker upon free sand
How protesting voices stifled or given two hoots;
The white man’s burden has eased but rajas reign
And hungry mist hover the land of toiling men.
Here histrionics of rivals, equally adept
In showing their adversity in public domain,
While beyond the glare of lights they have kept
Common wine served by common women;
Where farmer drinks rat-kill or sells his mate
While the Shylock smiles behind his pounding men,
From rubber-spined capitalists, morality got grind
Look! Egypt has burnt; can we be far behind?

Amitava Chakrabarty